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Herbal Remedies

Herbal Remedies

Home Remedies and Natural Cures for Health Care at Home

By bruce at 2010-12-10 03:54:52
Home remedies and natural cures or medicines made at home from natural ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, herbs are catching a lot of attention due to its very nature of cure: simple, no side effects, no chemicals, inexpensive, plus the pleasure of being able to cure yourself!. Read on for how all this is useful and how people are using these home made methods in their day to day lives to stay fit and healthy.

How much do you value your health? Can you put a price tag on your own health or on that of your loved ones? Obviously not, if anything, your health or that of your family is invaluable. Long gone are the days when drugs manufactured in laboratories were popular, when expensive chemical or synthetic drugs were deemed to be the best for our bodies. Apart from the forbidding cost, the side effects that the body has to deal with cannot be ignored. This realisation has dawned and people today are going back to natural remedies that humankind has been using for thousands of years.

Home Remedies and Natural Cures Works?

Herbs, spices, condiments, fruits and vegetables are naturally occurring gifts of nature. They have been endowed with the unique capacity to absorb inorganic substances from the earth, water, fire, air, ether, and convert them into life-giving, life-supporting vital ingredients. The human body too is a living entity, and each individual body has its own lifeĀ­force which sustains it. When we look for herbal remedies in natural substances, we want something which is easily assimilate.

The medicament present in these remedies is in the form of alkaloids, essential oils, enzymes, trace elements and minerals. Once absorbed they are assimilated only in the quantity needed by the body. The active ingredient is in the natural form needed to bind to a receptor site where the vital action has to take place, in order to balance the disturbed agent, host and environment equation. There are no synthetic constituents added, as in commercial preparations, which work on the principle that a vehicle (synthetic constituent) is needed to ensure the absorption of an arbitrarily decided, fixed amount of a drug.

Find powerful herbal remedies Herbal Tablets

Modern medicine laboratory or clinical drug trials, blind and double-blind studies, determine that a certain level of the drug has to be maintained in the body to rid it of nocuous symptoms. This by itself may initially have a beneficial effect, but sustaining pre-determined, 'scientifically' approved levels in the long run also gives rise to excess intake, drug-induced/drug dependent diseases. So the right natural herbal remedy, taken at the first physical symptoms, manifestations or signs of disorder, helps the body's own healing mechanism. Since these are alternative natural medicine and a part of one's daily diet, excess of any kind is excreted.

Herbs should always be gathered fresh, early in the morning when their natural oils are at the maximum-herbal natural oils are highly volatile, and the steadily increasing heat of the ascending sun depletes them.

Dietary Supplements
See our Health Blogs or more read on herbalcureindia.com
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